The most common deformity in the ear is called "scoop ear" or "sail ear" among the people. Due to the weakness of the ear cartilages, the ear folds are not formed sufficiently, and the condition where the auricle is curved forward and laterally than normal is called "scoop ear". The main reason is that the ears are too far from the posterior ear bone at an angle. This is usually a familial deformity. 

This situation, which is one of the biggest complexes of many people today, especially school-age children, differs from culture to culture. Although the prominent ear is a mockery in western societies, for example, in Japan, it is accepted as a sign of cuteness, cuteness and beauty, especially in young girls, and it is not considered a shame, but on the contrary, it is accepted as a reason for preference. Prominent ear surgery is an aesthetic surgery that is also in high demand by men. The reason for this is that while women can easily hide their ears with their hair, men cannot hide it because of their short hair. In such cases, it is possible to create a new auricle by removing cartilage from other parts of the body with a series of operations. These are the cases where the shape of the auricle is different from the normal, which can be corrected by surgery. In addition, a new ear can be made from the patient's own rib cartilage for those who do not have a congenital ear or who lost their ear after an accident.